Friday, March 12, 2010

The New T-Shirts

I've always loved wearing comfortable clothes. For decades I lived in t-shirts on days when I didn't have to work, and I still find them the most comfortable of clothes.

I recently found some funny t-shirts (some of which might be called nerdy shirts) –  guaranteed to cause some heads to turn – that would be real conversation starters. Imagine for a second me wearing one of The Hangover t-shirts (from the movie, The Hangover) pictured to your left. Cracks me up just thinking about walking around wearing it.

Several years ago one of my daughters gave me a Beatles t-shirt, which I still own because I love it. I also wear my grandma t-shirts that my grandchildren give to me and my "Proud Mother of a Marine" t-shirt. The nice thing about t-shirts is that they come in a variety of colors and styles, and some of them are profound, some are thought-provoking, and some are quite humorous.

As a matter of fact, a lot of the t-shirts I see recently come with funny sayings. One of the ones on this site is not only funny, but probably true. It shows a graphic of a man holding a cup of coffee saying, "On the Internet I'm a 15 year-old girl."

Not all of the shirts on this web site are nerdy or funny, though. One says, "Reading is for awesome people." And they have other items like hoodies and belt buckles as well. (As a proponent of reading, I am providing a link to Oprah's book club for you.)

As long as we're talking about reading and t-shirts, if you want to learn more about t-shirts, click the about t-shirts link. You'll get a brief history, information about t-shirt trends, the environmental impact on t-shirts, and more.

By the way, on the Internet, I'm a glamorous and award-winning writer ;)

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